Wednesday, 27 April 2011

UTI ITSL recruiting for the post of Engineers (Apply before 4th May)

UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Limited (UTI ITSL), a public sector organisation is looking for eligible candidates to apply for the post of Engineers.
Last date for applying online: Before 4th May,  2011
Number of Posts: Asst.Vice President, Manager/ Project Coordinator(IT), Assistant Manager/ Project Associate (IT), Executive
Educational Qualification Needed: The candidates must have completed their professional degree in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Architecture, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, MCA
All details of the posts can be seen by the link given at the end of the post.
More details of the post: Aspirants who wish to apply in UTIITSL  for the post of Project Associate (IT) (not for E-Governance), shall have to go through the written tests of both aptitude and Technical.
Designation and the salary scale depend upon the Educational Qualification, knowledge and Work-Experience in the respective field and also the candidate’s performance, assessment during the Interview round.
The Applicants must apply to the Vice President (HR) at the address as given below within 15 days of release of this advertisement with detailed resume clearly mentioning the qualifications, experience and the expected annual package.
Only shortlisted candidates from the written-test round will be informed and called for the interview. The rules regarding reservations to SC/ST/OBC/others will be followed. All the rules of UTI ITSL would be applicable.
UTI ITSL reserves the right to reject any or all the applications or may decide not to fill in any / all positions.
Link for the official Advertisement and Apply Online:

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